Husband Bear and I drove out there last Saturday and met with Buffington and some of the dogs "on staff" as well as a couple in training. Gemmie clearly showed his ability to get revved up and his inability to calm down. He likes to dominate other dogs and won't back down when "the play" gets too rough. Thus, the phone call yesterday: Gemmie had started to play with a [Boston] bull-terrier and when the terrier warned him off, he didn't listen—I bet he didn't even understand the cue. He jumped right back in and the terrier bit him hard, leaving puncture wounds on his front leg. The trainer moved in to stop the fight, and so Gem bit her (not on purpose, but just because he was operating blindly at that point).
Both are fine (if you discount the fact that Gemmie has to wear a "cone of shame" for a few days), and Gem seems just as happy and playful as ever.
What we are trying to do by having Gem board with an expert trainer is to have her see him for who he is ("in living color") in different circumstances so that she can develop a training program for us. Already she has told us she thinks Gem is "too much dog" for me and she's worried he needs more of a firm hand and consistent discipline than I can provide.
No more TREATS for everything [no treats as bribes]. She says (and I believe her) that Gem is such a smart guy that he has figured out how to manipulate me into giving him a reward. He's not learning to do the behavior because I want him to do the behavior; he's learning it to get what he wants (treats). Ouch. Not what I intended, but clear in retrospect.
I'm going to have to get Gem to do what I want by expecting him to do so, by setting him up to succeed in ways that don't require treating. I'm also getting rid of the play-pen (he's about out-grown it anyway, and Buffington says it gives him too much freedom) and getting him a larger crate. When he's being out of control, he goes in the crate. At night, he sleeps in the crate.

When we got Blue Aroo, we knew that huskies would push boundaries and try to take over as alpha. We decided we would never allow Blue to get on the bed or the couch or to precede us through a doorway. Blue has never challenged our "alpha" roles; he has settled right in as "beta."
So, why did we not do this with Gem? Oh, because he's a golden retriever! A sweet, cuddly, dependable, gentle golden retriever! The buzzer goes off here: WRONG answer! Many golden retrievers these days are coming out more assertive/aggressive than in the past. People trying to breed for gentleness are ending up with not-so-gentle
Where does that leave Gem? Well, still at the boarding school until next week, when we meet with Laurie Buffington and get schooled ourselves, with lots of homework. Gem will come home with us and we'll do our best to "step up" and be the dog "guardians" or owners or masters or whatever you want to call it that he needs.
And I'll keep you posted.
[[Note: Edits added in brackets and strike-throughs 9 Sept.]]
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